Tips to Storing Your Coffee

Tips to Storing Your Coffee

To keep your coffee fresh and flavorful, here are a few tips to keep in mind:


  • Whole bean coffee lasts longer than ground coffee, due to its smaller proportion of the surface area. Ground coffee goes stale more quickly as it has more contact with oxygen.
  • For the freshest coffee, choose from brands that use valve-sealed bags rather than vacuum-sealed packaging.
  • Store larger quantities of coffee tightly sealed in an airtight container in a cool, dark area, keeping a smaller quantity in another container for daily use. Open the larger container only when you need to refill the smaller container. This reduces air exposure for the bulk of the coffee.
  • Clear glass or plastic containers should be kept in a dark location. For best results, use an opaque glass, ceramic, or non-reactive metal container with an airtight gasket seal.
  • Do not store coffee in the refrigerator freezer; the humidity can cause moisture to infiltrate the packaging.